About CBD

Scientists in a laboratory

Unwind with the help of supplements from nature.

CBD is one of the hundreds of so-called cannabinoids in the cannabis plant, and unlike the intoxicating and more well-known compound THC, CBD is not psychoactive and in itself does not cause any intoxication.

Naturally present in the body

Cannabinoids occur naturally in the body and are used by the body as neurotransmitters. CBD supplements complement the body's own cannabinoids.

Upon CBD ingestion, the body's cannabinoid system reacts and absorbs CBD. CBD slows down certain messages sent to the brain, alters calcium levels, and reduces inflammation. Other signals to the brain and through the nervous system enhance and activate multiple serotonin receptors. Serotonin receptors influence various biological and neurological processes such as aggression, anxiety, appetite, cognition, learning, memory, mood, nausea, sleep, and temperature regulation.

CBD has shown potential to induce relaxation, reduce anxiety, and improve sleep quality. Ongoing research aims to better understand its effects and applications.

Cannabis plants on a plantation

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